The Apartment Complex

No one really gives a ‘natour’ much thought in a city like Beirut. From what I’ve seen, my neighbors treat Mohammad like an amenity instead of any‘thing’ else. 

In lament Lebanese, that’s racism with a glaring wink.

A few days back, I got locked out of my apartment and I truly thought I was done for; right then and there, I thought to myself, ’I’d have to break the bank to break into my apartment; in an economy like Lebanon’s, with human-vultures gliding every shivering dollar, I’m screwed.’

And there was Mohammad, the Batman to my Gotham.

We discussed how we’d get me back into my apartment without breaking anything, but given that I live on the 5th floor, Mohammad wasn’t going to simply Tarzan his way into my apartment balcony, avoid stepping on my darling plants, hope to God I hadn’t locked the windows, hop in, avoid startling my cat or getting viciously attacked by him, and finally, open the door for me. However, that’s exactly what Mohammad did.  

After Jackie-Chaning his way into my balcony with balls of Vibranium tucked in-between his legs, my door unlocked and the gateway to heaven opened up right in front of me; there they were, my sanctuary and my savior.

As dramatic as I sound, I just want you to know that I live alone in a country that is not my home-home, plagued with unprecedented recession and all-around depression, misfortune, and never-seen-before desperation; so forgive me if I indulge in my very few and far-apart happy moments. 

Truly, this goes without saying, my Natour is definitely better than yours; he’s got the oomph and sass to back that claim up.

Knocks on my door with his MacBook Pro in hand wanting to ask a few questions, that’s him.
Writes and posts poetry on his Facebook page with photos of him photoshopped into the background, that’s him.
Keeps it real with me, gossiping about how shitty the building tenants are, that’s him.

My girlfriend was there to see the man in action, and while he may not have that ‘wow’ factor dazzling every pair of eyes day-in and day-out, Mohammad sure shows up like LeBron James when it matters most. 

In short, Mohammad is a real-life superhero, and I’m glad he’s my Natour in shining Stan Smiths.


The Spice Master