The Spice Master

As we hop into my psyche to euthanize my problems, I notice myself getting sidetracked by popup crap; it’s complicated.

Every sidetrack reroutes my trajectory towards the life I want for myself, the good life. That being said, every reroute dilutes the good in that life, and by the end of my so-called journey, I’m just a guy with a terrible hunchback and too much baggage.

You need to understand that problems never go away after they’ve been dealt with, some of them stay behind as a reminder. Yes yes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, that’s fine and dandy, but it’s also bullshit, a heaped serving spoon of bullshit. All your problems get digested with whatever other crap you’re going through at that moment, and that births some sort of monstrosity you don’t ever want to deal with, and closeting that abomination gives way to a jaded version of yourself to surface, whose conversations always seem to regurgitate the same shallow message, ‘I’m alright’, ‘All is well’, and my favorite, ‘I’m taking my time rediscovering myself, that’s the key to my own happiness’.

No one’s born into a good life, that phrase is slave to context.

You can argue that I peer-pressured myself into wanting the good life, a metaphoric home on a hill everyone talks about but no one visits. My wants reel me into a sandbox filled with problems I didn't need.

Realizing that all this was my choice seems to set the tone that I’m also the pseudo gatekeeper that gets to choose what kind of problems I get to let in during my pursuit of that home up Good Life Hill.

I gauge my self worth according to how I score in each of these three categories, my career, family, personal life.

And as of right now, things aren't looking too good.

I’m not going to stand here and try to prove to you why life in the 21st century is overwhelming, but just hear me out.

Everyone sets themselves up for failure when they sit themselves on a steep pedestal, and it’s even worse when they blatantly expect light at the end of the tunnel. Life’s a bland pasta dish that does its best to vex your taste buds, and we’re just standing there with salt and pepper shakers hoping we can season the shit out of it.


Van No.4


The Apartment Complex